Monday, November 4, 2013

Portraits Defined

Portrait is a picture of someone or something that tells a story without using words. The story would be told through action, lighting, and framing.
by Tai-Shan Schierenberg

This is a story of a guy who has two sides to him, one that everyone knows and the other no one has ever seen before. Anybody that's friends with this guy know him as a happy, energetic, outgoing, loving person; but they don't know what he's been hiding. He has secrets, like most of us do, that he tells no one. His secret would be that he isn't really happy or energetic anymore he's more tired, sad, lonely, and so much more. His two sides mix together to manipulate everyone around him into thinking that he's okay and fine but he's not. And only time will tell if he ever opens up to someone the way he should.

(Kaylee in the middle age 5)